that first one is truely stunning mate, i don't know why it just hits the spot for me. Others are just generally "good shots" (which isn't a bad thing) but the first is excellent no one else will probably agree with me though, i just really like it
They were handheld at F/13 or 14 IIRC - EXIF is embedded With something like that you need to be able to move about so a tripod is a bit useless. At ISO200 / F/14 I was getting shutter speeds of 1/400th so a tripod really isnt required.
Obviously when it actually got dark you would want a tripod though
Love that first one. Its suprising how much movement there really was in the water. It looked perfectly still. I see what you mean about the horizons. They do look a touch off. Also I don't know if its my display but I can see some detail in the shadows. Not quite silhouettes. Maybe a boost of contrast?
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