Refurb Mac Pro's

9 Dec 2004
Hi guys,

Anyone know where to get Refurb mac pro's (other than through Apple), or a good place to get previous generations (clearances etc)? I'm currently looking for one of the old octo-cores.

I presume this is ok to ask as OCUK don't sell any Apple stuff.....

Thanks :)
That said, are you looking for a particular price limit or?

I have about £2000 to play with (absolute tops). I'm not particularly impressed with the price of the new revision and would ideally like as many cores as possible, although I wouldn't necessarily sniff at a quad.

I doubt they would let you as it would be second hand from another retailer.

Oh right, so you can't just slap it onto any Mac which has no warranty left?
Do you also need a screen?

Not really.

You can still find (although it's harder and harder) new octo 2.8Ghz for a quid under £1600. I know a place in north london that consitantly make errors in their adverts calling dual quads vel "dual Xeons" and still haven't got rid of their last batch. 8Gb of memory from crucial will cost you £202 ( -7% if you go via quidco). Then get cheapest 512Mb ATI 4870 you can find and flash it with EFI rom. Two mac pcie cables and for a tad under £2000 you have a pretty swift monster.

That would be pretty much exactly what I'm looking for :D
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