Registering a domain and setting up a holding page - Beginners first steps?

30 Dec 2003

I would like to register a domain - It's nothing special but it's along the lines of a project I'm considering. At this stage I really don't want/need a website but I'd like to secure it in case I do end up doing something with it... I can always let it lapse in a year or so if I don't need it.

So - Please help a beginner! Here are a few questions but if there is anything additional you would like to suggest please do!

1) What's the best/cheapest place to buy the domain from?

2) Any advice regarding TLDs? I'm in the UK and this is only for hobby purposes at the moment and so I don't see the next to go .com etc but if this is a 'bad move' as far as website regulars are concerned I'll consider it.

3) What service can I use to host email and a basic blog on this domain? I assume that I won't need hosting for this (?) and email and a basic blog (where I post some basic updates and photographs) would be all that I'd require for now.

In the future, if I pursue the idea/don't get bored of it before hand, I might look into web design and try and create a 'proper' website but for now this is very much a secondary project compared to the subject I intend to use it for but for the small outlay of the domain I think it'd be nice for using it to register accounts using an email address on this domain, etc.

Anything else I should consider would be very welcomed - It's all new to me but that's the fun of any project... The other spin-off interests that can be developed from it!

Thank you! :)
30 Dec 2003
For a "cheap" domain, go with a
I personally use 123-reg but they are apparently making some not too nice changes shortly.
For email, 123-reg allow a free forward, I have a catchall sending all the mail from my domain(s) to my gmail account.

For a very quick and easy "up" for hosting and getting a page made. I use Weebly as they are free and the CMS is very user friendly. To see a Weebly site try my forum name

That website looks absolutely perfect. Do I need hosting for this or does Weebly host and the domain is just redirected to their site?

I know it sounds very basic but can you please explain each step I'd need to go through - starting with purchasing the domain (and anything else as necessary) to the stage of a website such as yours (more basic to begin with but it's sort of direction I'd like to reach) including email.

Thank you! :)
30 Dec 2003
Thanks for additional info. Which pricing tier do you use? You don't have the Weebly banner so I assume it's not the free one.

Need to look and work out which place is cheapest to buy a domain. A bit of a learning curve :) Lot's to do and learn!
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