Regsvr32.exe Problems when Installing Game - Help

26 Oct 2002
Yesterday I attempted to Install an old favourite of mine - Formula 1 - 99-2002 Season.

All seems to be going fine and then the installation just stops completely. It happens at around 10%. I try to cancel the installation but it is frozen in time.

I CTRL, ALT and DELETE and in my Processes I see that one of them is running at 99% Usage. Its name is REGSRV32.EXE. I try and cancel this and after about 2/3 Attempts it finally quits out. After about 5 Seconds of quitting that process my computer begins to run extremely and when I check the CTRL ALT DELETE my EXPLORER.EXE is now at 99%.

If I try and cancel this my computer completely dies on me and I have to do a REBOOT.

Does anyone know what the hell this REGSRV32.EXE is and why it is conflicting with me installing this game?

I have tried to install it on numerous other attempts and the installation gets to various stages 10%, 23%, 43% and I just do not understand where this conflict with the regsrv is coming from.

Anybody have any suggestions / Things to try that will allow me to install this game?

Thanks in advance!
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