Reinstalling Snow Leopard?

16 Apr 2007
Hey all,

I want a clean install of Snow Leopard on my Macbook.

When I bought my Macbook Pro in Janruary this year, it came with an "Applications Install DVD", is this what I need? How do you do it?


Okay I pressed C, got the installation thing up and installed it - but when it restarted it restarted to my previous installation... Nothing has been deleted - Looks like it may have just installed a second Mac OSX state :p

How do you format the drive before installation?
Open the installer at boot but click utilities in the menu bar > disk utility. Select current installation > erase. Close disk utility. Proceed with new installation.

At the very top of the screen look for Disk Utility or some such, click that then look for Erase Drive. Erase your partition and Robert is your Dad's brother.

Thank you Gentlemen :)

One last question - Since I got my current installation back :p Is there a way I can export all my settings from System Prefs?
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