Rejiggered my homepage, opinions?

Same and im using a 1920x1200 res screen. Also the frontpage has to load far too much content to start off. Before the first picture showed, it had to load up 8.1Mb. Are the thumbnails the full sized images?

It preloads the image so that when you click the thumb its an instant show, have made the first pic the first in the list to remedy this.

Also added some browser detection, fading is nasty on IE! Have to fix the thumbs glow in IE too, IE is just awful...

As for the navigation being low, the problem is with the nav at the side it just looked... bad :/ Nav at the top and you still have to scroll... Theres nowhere convenient unless its in a single long line... which you'd then have to scroll sideways, or only have 8 or so pics on your site, or make the actual picture too small to even be worthwhile! Any suggestions?
There is a next and prev button though, which should fit onto smaller screens, I've tested on a 17" as my minimum, 15" is very restrictive. Will consider the 19" wides though...

Many thanks for pointing these things out! :)

Edit: Have removed all the swanky effects from IE, it's just jerky and poop. FF rules! :)
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Visually appealing, but here are some constructive criticisms;

  • Using full size images for thumbs is a bad idea. You should load the thumbs, and either load the full images on the fly (when requested) or in a separate preloading entity.
    So instead of pre-loading when you create the thumbs (which lets the user know its ready) you preload seperately... I don't see a benefit or reason? Furthermore, thats built into the tool and would require more than my puny brain to compute! :D

  • It is bad usability design to force the user to scroll down to pick an image, and scroll up to see it; this is a really bad mistake, and spoils the effect of what would be a fairly nice lightbox site.
    I may have another play with lightbox, but I do prefer swinging my mouse around the nav on this one. I'd rather make the nav fit on the screen, will have a think

  • Talking of lightbox, I suggest instead of showing the full size image inline, you have them appear as and when needed in a lightbox-style floating DIV element.
    Perhaps some combination of the nav from this that I like and lightbox image display... hmmm, this could be a good idea actually... cheers, now im going to lose more sleep playing :D

  • Also, you specify in the page schema that it is Strict HTML, when it doesn't seem to be (EDIT: I ran it through the validator, it isn't valid).
    Validation is on the todo list but thank you for the reminder, its pointless before its been tested and finalised though, which is what this thread is for :)

  • Fade effect is nice, but seems fairly inefficient - maxes out my Firefox thread just by waving my mouse over all the images. I guess this is down to using jQuery?
    Why shouldn't it use the processing power you have? I would guess that if you are mousing around the nav then you probably aren't in the middle of an intensive game of supreme commander ;) In testing this doesnt use much power on my not-very-powerful pc and doesnt slowdown or anything even with PS open, media playing, WOW minimised and several other things chewing on system resources.

  • Your title is an image, when it doesn't need to be. There is hardly any text on the site that says who you are and what the theme of the page is. If you're not looking for search engine traffic, this isn't much of a problem.
    Meta info and the like comes under the same "tbd" as validation, its not really needed yet.

  • You declare a <div class="info"> without terminating at the end, causing content overflow problems in Safari and Firefox 1.5.
    Cheers :)

  • The text at the bottom is composed of really poor English.
    huh? slight over use of commas, hehe, but other than that what's "really bad" about my Engrish?

Thanks for the tear-apart :p I think you've given me an idea that I quite like... but I'll play tomorrow, too darn tired now!
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As far as the English goes:

TiltedSky are Matt Bartlett and Claire Davey

There's nothing wrong with that.
Thanks for the suggestions though :) I'll rethink the wording after the image/nav is all sorted so that at least one person likes it :p

Anyone know a script that does the same thing as the current nav with the fading in and out, that is seperate to the actual image display?
Reason for not using the large image as a thumb is to lower the time it takes for the web page to load up. less size = faster loading. Let them open the image on another window when they click on it so they know its loading up.

I really quite like the pre-loading though, and with todays interweb it doesn't take that long, but everyone here seems to hate it! :p Perhaps I'll reconsider then. I don't know how I'd make it buffer the full size images after loading all the thumbs :S this is getting out of hand :D
I really appreciate all the comments and you all taking the time, thanks :)
I think what I will try is to replace the thumbs with thumb sized images (more work, bleh) for quicker off-the-bat loading, then try to use lightbox (or maybe play with this piclens thing) for the main image display. The trouble is that the click event for the funky nav is handled within the javascript for the galleria, so will have to do some butcherin!
I've written my own version of the fading routine now, so I'll be able to get rid of the galleria altogether and use lightbox, which means I can have the nav as pretty much the whole page and not worry about where the image shows :) Hopefully the fading will be more efficient since its so much less code doing it this way... time will tell.
Thanks for the opinions, its very helpful :)
I have just finished remaking it from scratch. I've written the fading stuff myself along with some other fun (a timed fade in and out of a random picture in the block of thumbs every 5secs or so, just to keep it interesting).
And I've used lightbox.
Hopefully someone will like this one even a teeny bit :p
Please let me know your thoughts :) (if you looked at this earlier, please reload with ctrl+f5 to clear the image cache, as the full size pics have changed, but not changed name).

IE wont run the email link, which is nice... will look at that later.
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