Rejoice, I'm getting my 1st Mac!

4 Jun 2003
IOM - made in Stoke
Yes I've finally seen the light, after a friend of mine bought a Macbook a few months ago I was seduced by it's sexiness but also it's amazing functionality and how everything Apple related intergrates so well.

So by July 7th I should be receiving the following;

17' MacBook Pro (standard config but with anti glare)

500gb Time Capsule

iPod Classic (as per rebate promotion)

iPod Uni Dock

Griffin Laptop Stand

All accquired with student discount as I have a friend in Uni :D

Can't wait to get hold of the thing. Can you folks give me some hints on essential software to help a transition from Windows to OSX easy?

Naturally pics will feature once all is set up :D
Can't wait to get hold of the thing. Can you folks give me some hints on essential software to help a transition from Windows to OSX easy?

Depends on what software you used under Windows.

OS X is dead easy to use just don't bring any Windows habits with you as it works in a different way (by the way I still get caught out by pressing enter to open an app on OS X and this doesn't work as you need to press +O)

Have fun!
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