Relationship trouble - advice needed

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17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
Me and Leon have been together for nearly 4 years now, and everything has been great so far. I love him to bits, and we're best mates, but recently something has been worrying me. It's now got to a stage where I feel that I need some advise before it starts to go too far (if it hasn't already).

A few months ago, before Christmas, I turned up at Leon's one night to find him watching an episode of Star Trek. I laughed, and mocked him a little, but my laughter turned to shock and horror when he revealed to me that he was actually watching it by choice, and had quite a few of the Star Trek series. :(

Anyway, I let it pass and hoped that would be the end of things... but it wasn't...

Just before Christmas, I found a stack of Star Trek books and annuals in his room, including proper geeky Trekkie stuff like the Klingon Dictionary and so on. It was becoming clear to me that the man I thought I loved had a whole other side to him.

I tried to forget about it and push it to the back of my mind, but after coming back from Leon's this weekend, having found out, to my horror, that he's now bought some Star Trek models to paint/assemble, I am more distressed than ever. He even showed me the blue prints to a Klingon Bird of Prey... it's all I could do not to burst into tears or smash the computer screen up.

I have confronted him about this, and he just shrugs it off like it's NORMAL or something ( :confused: ). I am now at the end of my teather. I'm petrified that he's going to start buying me Star Trek leotard things instead of lingerie for Valentines Day etc., and telling me to "live long and prosper" instead of saying he loves me. I saw an old guy in an anorak hovering around the Star Trek box sets at the weekend, and I have visions of Leon turning into this man. My boyfriend is turning into a Trekkie, and I feel completely helpless to stop it...


Confused, Leicester
You heartless bunch of oiks, WHERE IS YOUR COMPASSION IN MY HOUR OF NEED? I am deeply distressed and in shock over this revolation, and all you can do is mock :(

Roberta said:
Lostkat - I was saddened to read of Leon's downhill slide into sickness and depravity. As one whose other half is addicted to dreadful DVD viewing I fully sympathise with you. I myself went to Paul's the other day to discover his state had worsened as he had purchased the boxset of The Rockford Files. I was shocked and sickened I can tell you.

I see that you have tried talking to him and suggest you follow similar gentle tactics to try to make him see that what he is doing is just bad and wrong and help him to become the man you once knew by using all the sweet love and tenderness that we women possess.

And if that fails wire his testicles up for electric shock aversion therapy.

Hope this helps!
AT LAST!! I knew a woman would understand. Thanks for the advice Roberta. I must put operation anti-Trek into place immediately before he starts asking me to wear prosthetic ears in the bedroom :(
Von Smallhausen said:

You may have problems Kate, other signs to look for.

- He gets a private reg ... NCC 1701.

- He paints bog roll tubes white and sticks them on the side of the car, thus recreating warp coils.

- He gets plastic surgery to get pointy ears.

- He dismisses all of your ideas as ' Illogical '

- During an argument, he squeezes your shoulder, thus rendering you unconcious.

- He speaks into his flip mobile, asking Scotty to beam him up.

- He dismisses nights of passion and bon soir, preferring to find out the name of the actor who got killed on the dreaded away mission by man eating ants !

- He gets a neon sign above his gaff saying ' Starbase 101 '

My advice is you stay with him as he is a canny lad, but you must not give in to his demands of dressing up in a short skirt and wearing ear-rings the size of Hereford like Uhura.

He has the Trekkie bug, and it is for life I have to say.

Did you flick through the Trekkie mags thoroughly ? I ask as they may have been a cunning cover for back issues of Razzle and Readers Wives !
Some of the signs are already there. This is worse than I thought. I feel sick!!!

I wish his Trekkie mags were a cover for his Razzle etc. mags... they're not... those mags are in another pile :eek:
Freefaller... well... there's an offer and a half ;)

Werewolf said:
My recommendation would be to buy one of the better made/quality Star Fleet female officers uniforms, preferably in the classic style as modelled by Jadzea Dax in Trails and Tribulations, that should grab his attention away from his DVD's and models, and you can work from there.
We will want pictures of this of course -_^
:eek: Surely that'd make him think that I wanted in on all this crazy Star Trek action??? It'd just make his obsession ten times worse!

God knows what "kinky" Trekky outfits I would get for Valentines Day :eek:

I feel so scared and alone :(
Muban said:
Clearly there is a rift in the space-time continuum. Your Leon is trapped in a parrallel universe. If he makes it back you must be prepared to test them so you know which one is the real him. If you ask him what his very favourite thing is and the reply is 'Star Trek' rather than 'Norks' you know what you have to do!
I daren't ask him that question anymore, for fear of what I might hear!!
Mickey_D said:
Hey now. I love Star Trek and I'm married with a kid!!

Kate, I think I should get you in contact with my wife as she has somehow learned how to deal with loving a man that likes Star Trek and Stargate...... ;)
/me sees a glimmer of hope.

I so much want to make it work!! He's pretty hot for a Trekkie too ;)
taliesyn said:
I would suggest [pun] an immediate trekkieotomy [/pun]...... :p
ARF ARF :D I shall have to brush up on my medical skills. Now... when's Casualty on next? ;)

Von Smallhausen said:
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :( *sob sob*
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