Release date of Supreme commander?

15 Aug 2004
Ive been looking around, but just wondering if anyone has any info?i know its meant to be this year.. but when? and any news of a demo

I think the last I heard was around September.

Edit: I don't understand these HUGE slips in development time, the developers quite frequently that they are making great progress then a huge extension comes up. I don't believe in releasing buggy games but I do believe in realising a mostly finished game then sticking with the fanbase to patch it up.
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An extension this far in the future is normally a sign that they have changed the design or technology in a fairly large way. A last minute delay means bug fixing.

I would much rather a game was delayed miles before release so I don't get too excited about it, too soon.
there was a post on bluesnews yesterday about it slipping to q1 2007, which sucks as that was my most wanted game this year.
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