Remapping "extra" keys?

11 Nov 2009
Hi OcUK,

So I went and bought a Ducky Zero and I don't like the 4 extra keys above the numpad so I want to remap them.

Here's the board so you know what keys I mean:

I've downloaded a few registry hacks but they don't recognize the keys.

I've also thought about using AutoHotKey but even if I can map them, will it stop them from doing their original function? I want the calculator button to pause music, not pause music and open a calculator.

Below is some information I got about the keystrokes from the AHK key-logger. It does differentiate between keys but it also thinks its sending the D, C, B and F keys.

VK SC Type Up/Dn Elapsed Key
AD 120 a d 3.79 D
AD 120 a u 0.06 D
AE 12E a d 0.20 C
AE 12E a u 0.08 C
AF 130 a d 0.20 B
AF 130 a u 0.08 B
B7 121 a d 0.19 F
B7 121 a u 0.06 F
Any advice will be appreciated.
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