23 Jun 2008 at 22:02 #1 The_One The_One Soldato Joined 27 Dec 2003 Posts 17,382 This is skillful and some are pretty funny http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ppy6_foot-2008-remi-gaillard_fun
This is skillful and some are pretty funny http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ppy6_foot-2008-remi-gaillard_fun
24 Jun 2008 at 00:24 #17 The_One The_One Soldato OP Joined 27 Dec 2003 Posts 17,382 awesome whether he did them first time or not imo You try doing something like that even if you attempt it 100 times for each one
awesome whether he did them first time or not imo You try doing something like that even if you attempt it 100 times for each one