erol alkan loves a good remix of indie bands , mainly ones he does production for.
bloc party's first album has a remix version and almost every track is great . think DFA79 had one too
MSTRKRFT have done a few good ones
bloc party - the prayer (para one remix) is a good recent one
futureheads - worry about it later (switch remix ) is rather special
list a few bands or songs you like and ill try and list the good remixs because i could possibly spend all night listing some and dont wanna just list ones of bands you dont even like
The Postal Service's remix of The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize? (on the Ego Tripping EP) is probably one of my faves. There is also an awesome remix of Ego Tripping on the EP (Ego Tripping Self-admiration with Blowup mix) - though dunno who did it
also, Zero 7 do a cool, chilled mix of Radiohead's Climbing Up The Walls
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