Remomende me a SLR Camera please

18 Oct 2002
Recommend me a DSLR Camera please

I currently have a Pentax Optio 330GS Digital Camera. But i'd like a lot better camera for photo's at home with the family and holidays ( honeymoon next year)

I have little idea what i'm looking for i just know i want a bit more quailty than a point and click like i already have.

Budget of around 400 pounds

Any help would be great please.

Thank you..
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Matt said:
For £400? That might be a bit of a challenge! You might well need to look second hand for the amount.

Really? I had alook online but i'm not sure what i'm looking for.

Nikon D50 + 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED Lens 419 pounds

But after that i have to say there all over 500+ pounds
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Matt said:
Exactly :)

and no amount of Nikon gear is going to make you look cool either.

Only go DSLR if you want to fiddle with settings all the time, running them on auto isn't really what they're for, and they also bring increased costs, as you always want new kit!

Ah i'm not intersted in looking cool just want abetter camera than what i have.

I've noticed a lot with the one i've got it looks very pixelled when i have them developed.
I've used trueprints but i'm not happy with how they look.

Say around the picture of our dog. the edges look all jagged and not smooth.
I was guessing that was the quialty of the camera?

cyKey said:
It could be Trueprints. A 3.2mp camera would be fine for A4, A3 at a push but nothing bigger.

I was begining to think it was them why would that be??

Yeah more i listen more it seems i don't need a DSLR
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