Remote Access Software

28 Jun 2005
Hi. I'm looking to access my home servers remotely so I can play with them from work. I've got a few ESXI hosts running a mixture of Windows and Linux guests attached to my home network connected via BT infinity. I've got a Win 2012 DC that I was thinking as a likely candidate to install some remote access software on and then SSH around from there. What do you guys for this? Thanks
Bit puzzled by TeamViewer. It's installed on a 2012 DC and set up for unattended access and is installed as a service. I cannot get the TeamViewer client on my PC to connect to the VM without also being RDP'd onto the VM and the screen not being minimised.

The message I get is:

"The screen cannot be captured at the moment. This is probably due to fast user switching or a disconnect/minimized Remote Desktop session".

As soon as I disconnect, log off or minimize the RDP session to the VM, TeamViewer locks up with the above message until I unminimize the RDP session?
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