Remote Backups?

20 Oct 2002
Melbourne Australia
Any of you guys running remote backups?

I've been tasked with centralising backups from our European offices to the main office in the UK and am looking for some ideas.

Our sites consist of NetApp Filers and Windows, Solaris and Linux Application/Infrastructure servers.

So far I've been looking at SnapVault and Nearstore/Nearstore on FAS due to the existing amount of NetApp exquipment we have as well as options like Puredisk with a VTL backend (Sepaton etc) or a Quantum DXi series setup.

Bandwidth usage must be limited also due to some sites only having 2Mb links, therefore WAN Acceleration/data-deduplication are a must.

I've got appointments to see a few vendors for demos, but am looking for ideas as to what else is available in this space or what other people are using for their setups?

I have a fairly large budget to play with :D

Been to a vendor today for a demo and while it looked quite neat, all it was doing was replacing the physical tape library on the end of the backup system with a mini VTL that then de-duped and replicated itself to a master server elsewhere.
I was hoping to replace my entire backup infrastructure and rip out the backup servers, but it seems they still need them, so I won't gain any saving at all as I'll need to maintain 90% of my current environment (backup server, support contract, backup licences etc).

Back to the drawing board I guess :(
Just finished implementing eVault for all remote backups at a large client. Works really well after the initial seed. All data gets piped to a new eva.

Bonus is, we're never pestered for restores anymore as the Helpdesk have rights to restore user files - definite win!

I've had a good look at eVault and have a rep coming out to see me tomorrow. Looks pretty good by all accounts. Be interesting to see how it compares technology wise and cost wise to the solutions I've seen on NetApp, Puredisk, Quantum etc.

Don't suppose anyone has a rough idea on cost/GB for their managed online service? Couldn't see anything mentioned anywhere on their website.
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