Remote buddy - stream to your iPhone

ugh, that's really irritating - you covered the story by putting 3 or 4 original lines of text in your own story then ripping some of theirs and linking to it! Why not post a review once you've used it rather than doing this? And if you're going to do this, please don't post about it here as it's totally irrelevant.
ugh, that's really irritating - you covered the story by putting 3 or 4 original lines of text in your own story then ripping some of theirs and linking to it! Why not post a review once you've used it rather than doing this? And if you're going to do this, please don't post about it here as it's totally irrelevant.

Why is it totally irrelevant? If it's upsetting you I can easily remove the link.
it's not the link, and I'm not upset. All I'm saying is that there's an article in existence that does more than your article - if you're going to report on it, do a review, don't just lazily copy a small bit of what someone's already done - I'm sure I'm not the only person who totally stepping-stones blogs like this and goes straight to the detailed article - all you're doing is encouraging people to leave your blog. Lifehacker and a few of the apple blogs are really good at doing this and it's totally pointless.
I tried it. the feature where you can control your desktop was cool, however the picture of your desktop was a few inches wide, leaving it impossible to actually move the cursor..
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