remote desktop on a LAN

1 Feb 2006

I have 3 machines connected at home on a LAN.. is it possible for me to remote desktop from one machine to another across a LAN?

One machine is running XP Pro, the other two are on XP.

Someone once told me you must have a domain... Is this the case? And if so is it easy to set up a home network as a domain?

cheers for info guys,

Will try vnc.

Will report back on how it goes

edit: just re-read this thread and realised that i should be able to RD into my XP Pro machine from my two XP ones.. THats exactly what I want to do. I have used RD in work etc so I know how to enable it etc but it still isnt allowing me.

How would I configure my firewall to allow it?

I am running Kerio Personal Firewall.

SHould I have XP firewall off?

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got this working guys using the normal windows remote desktop...

i had to disable my firewall though.

When using a router is there any need for an additional software firewall?

I am using an addon router + windows sp2 firewall and ewido antimalware.

cheers everyone who posted
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