Remote Desktop - sorting machines ?

18 Oct 2002
At home

I have like 30 machines on my list in Remote Desktop. Was wondering if it is possible to sort these into some sort of order ? Rather not remove them all and add them back in.

Well it is possible in a roundabout sort of way.
In HKEY_USERS\*your user ID*\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default you will find a list of all the entries currently in your Remote Desktop list.

I would export this list, pull it into Excel which should split it into two columns for you, sort it whatever way you want, save the sorted *.reg file and re-import it again :)

Let me know how you get on.
I wish microsoft would bring out an equivalent to apples network assistant...

never thought I'd say something apple was really good but it is :D
You calling me stupid? :p
I bet there's some freeware out there that could enhance the functionality of it, but I do not know of any. Couldn't be the hardest of programs to write.
If you install the AdminPack (available from as the Windows Server 2003 Admin Pack), you get a handy thing called Remote Desktop.

It's an MMC console that lets you have several RDP sessions on the go inside one window.
#Chri5# said:
If you install the AdminPack (available from as the Windows Server 2003 Admin Pack), you get a handy thing called Remote Desktop.

It's an MMC console that lets you have several RDP sessions on the go inside one window.

What he said as you can then name your connections.
#Chri5# said:
If you install the AdminPack (available from as the Windows Server 2003 Admin Pack), you get a handy thing called Remote Desktop.

It's an MMC console that lets you have several RDP sessions on the go inside one window.

that's what i'm using :p

just the machines list is building up and not in any decent order !
Although I gave the above suggestion, what I actually have is a "Remote Connections" folder and just save each of the connections I have made, both as xxx.vnc and xxx.rdp files. I give them all meaningful names, and there is the option to save the password for each connection too. Probably the simplest way, yes/no?
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