Remote NUC

3 Aug 2003
Plymouth, UK
Am looking to update my aged laptop that runs the software for my astrophotography and am looking at options.

One thing I am considering is using a NUC and running it via a remote desktop.

Am guessing this is a do-able option?

Will be running 4 x USB devices from it (mount via usb>serial convertor, imaging camera, guide camera and memory stick)

Am guessing that NUC's do not have any wireless built in?
Cheers for that.

Had not heard of the Gigabyte ones until now.

Processing power wise does not have to be that grunt worthy. The main bit will come from running siftware that works out where the telescope is pointing by doing plate solving (comparisons of images to database). Could get away with 3 USB ports as minimum and then have images saved to network drive.
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