Remote options for me

8 Nov 2008
I'm looking at buying a single remote to control as much as possible of my setup. Currently running:

Sky box, Xbox One, DVD/Blu-Ray, RasperryPi, XBMC box, TV

I think i'm probably looking at the Logitech Smart Control, plus an IR receiver for the Pi.

Anyone have a similar setup or input on whether the Logitech is the right way to go? It would be nice to have text input as well, but there doesn't seem to be many with a keyboard which would be family friendly...

Also, while i'm here, it would have to work overseas as I might be moving to Canada later this year.
With any of these, will I have to put up with random mapping? It cant have a hard key for everything, can I expect record to be the "2" button for example?
Think for the price and battery life i'm leaning towards the smart rather than touch... Won't ever have more than 6 devices so that shouldn't be an issue...

I think a dinovo is on the cards as well!
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