Remote Software Install

25 Oct 2009
I need to install a piece of software on a mass amount of machines but here lays the problem;
The machines are not attached to a domain and are standalone...

I can't use Group Policy as their not attached to a domain.
I could use WMIC to install the software on multiple machines from a list but this would envolve me copying the software to each an every machine due to WMIC not liking UNC paths (without heavy scripting of course - but a bit beyond me)

The other options would be;
Visit each machine and manually install software.
Domain the machines and use Group Policy...

Anything else that could do what I need it too?
what is the software? can it be run silently\from the command line?

If so, psexec will do the job

psexec \\ \\path\to\installer.msi /q

Then in there, you can specify credentials, but I can't remember the switches for them - if all the machines have the same local admin creds, you can also do some "for i in list.txt" stuff too, but I always find concatenate easier when doing big ol' lists of commands.
Funnily enough, the software I want to deploy is the agent for some remote deployment software that we use :D
The problem is that I can't get the deployment software to "see" the machines unless the machines have the agent installed on them.
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