Remote start

18 Oct 2002

It is illegal to leave your vehicle running whilst unattended. So how is remote start functionality legal?
I was looking at the Clifford Intelliguard. I'm trying to find one for a good price and when I have the time I will install it. It doesn't have any sort of manual transmission check as standard and indeed it explicitly states in the installation manual that using the intellistart with a manual car is done at the installers/owners risk. Starting a car in gear would not only be embarassing but it is also dangerous. However I have an idea about putting a switch on the gearbox that detects when the gearstick is in manual or not and therefore stops remote start working if it is out of neutral.

The only thing that is holding me back is insurers. The g/f phoned Churchill on three seperate occasions to check whether or not they would insure the car with remote start. On all occasions she was told that it would make no difference to her policy but they refused to send written confirmation or updated insurance documents even when it was specifically asked for. Helpful. The other thing is that to get remote starting to work on the ZS requires the current CAT2 to be disabled. Again I can do this myself and whilst I have tried explaining this to Churchill they're adamant that it won't affect the policy. I'm not so sure.
Phantom said:
Splitz - im with NU and it didnt affect my insurance premium either. I had mine (toad ai606 with a few minor additions!) fitted by a mobile fitter who i can recommend. he's patient and willing to talk things through with you if youre unsure. drop me an email and i'll give you his number if you want :)

I installed the AI606 in my Fiesta. I've never heard of this remote start addon though, I might search for that! I try to install these alarms myself so I won't be needing that installer, but thanks anyway :)

When I install the remote start it'll be wired up to the heated windscreen (front and back) and the heater control module so the car will be toasty warm and ice free.

The only thing that I don't like about the Clifford alarm is that you only have to press the remote start button for one second to start the car. A much better idea IMO would be that you would have to hold the button for 3 seconds as features on other alarms.
That's my point. It sounds too easy to accidentally press that button and start your car. It's especially worrying considering the RF range of clifford keyfobs
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