remove Custom performance setting?

28 Jul 2004

I went through the system settings on my macbook and had a play around with the performance settings. I since realised that i only need the standard settings, but when i click on my battery icon i now get the option to select a 'custom' one too. anyone know how to remove it? im sure it never used to be there before i had a play around, but i cant figure out how to remove it.

The "custom" setting appears if you modify an existing preset.

It is not possible to remove it, so the best bet is to just use a system present or tweak the custom settings to your preference :)
It is possible to remove it, locate the "" file in the following directory:

Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

To remove it, you'll have to delete the "custom" XML tags and any other tags associated with the customised setting in the file :)
I had a look at the file and ended up just deleting it and rebooting (obviously i backed it up first). OSX recreates the file on reboot which worked a treat and got rid of the custom option.

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