Remove Recylce Bin from desktop

12 Feb 2006
I have been able to remove all the items from my desktop, the only one which remains is the recycle bin, anyone know how i go about removing this from my desktop?

I have a software which changes wallpapers at start-up, which had the option of hiding all desktop items, however this never stayed, and i had to tel lit to do this everytime i start up which gets too anoying.

I have no use of it on my desktop as its next to the start menu, and can be emptied whenever, rather then having to look at the desktop to see if it needs emptying, plus i hate having items on my desktop.
2. Find NAMESPACE key in left pane (HKEY_Local_Macine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ Desktop \ Namespace)
3. Expand NAMESPACE (click '+' box)
4. Delete the value RECYCLE BIN in right pane

Quoted from

Google *** :D hope this helps.

My desktop is black with no icons i cant remember how i did it but this is the first google link i found.
The way ive done it is to add a registry entry that gives you a toggle recycle bin option in the folder options menu.


"Text"="Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop"

Add that code to a .txt file then rename the .txt to .reg and simply run the file to add it to the registry.

Edit; For some reason its showing extra spaces in the middle of the words current, RecycleBinOnDesktop and explorer, if its doing the same for you, just remove those spaces
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messiah khan said:
The way ive done it is to add a registry entry that gives you a toggle recycle bin option in the folder options menu.


"Text"="Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop"

Add that code to a .txt file then rename the .txt to .reg and simply run the file to add it to the registry.

Edit; For some reason its showing extra spaces in the middle of the words current, RecycleBinOnDesktop and explorer, if its doing the same for you, just remove those spaces

I've done that but nothing seems to happen :confused: I get the option to show it or not but does not do anything :(

I am useing xp64 so that might have something to do with it
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