Remove superglue from plastic?

7 Jan 2009
So bit of a random one here, does anyone know a good working method of removing set superglue off of plastic?
I know there's some mentions on Google but I want to know ow if anyone on here hs a proven method that worked for them save me buying all diffrent stuff for none to work lol.
The type of plastic I'm talking is the casing plastic on top of a xbox 360.
Cheers for any suggestions!
try isopropyl alcohol. hopefully the superglue will become brittle and it wont affect plastic so you should be ok.
I’ve used nail polish remover to take super glue of a wood-laminate table before. Took quite a while as I was being gentle so each pass only took a little bit off. However, it did work and the table top didn’t get damaged in the process. You’d just have to make sure the nail polish remover doesn’t damage the plastic.
  1. Soak a cotton ball in nail polish remover.
  2. Apply the cotton ball to the glued area, making sure to completely saturate it.
  3. Hold cotton ball there until glue bonds start to release.
  4. Repeat as necessary.
  5. Wash nail polish remover and leftover glue traces off with soap and water.
nail polish remover (acetone) will dissolve the plastic also so if you get it on the xbox it will knacker it.

i agree IPA may be a way to go.
Could also soak the glue in oil (vegetable etc.) or wd40 but you may have to do it for a few hours.
Potentially vinegar as well.
The one with the least chance of effecting the underlying plastic would be plain old water, problem is you'd need to soak it for a good few days so depending on where it is that may not be possible.
Reckon a flame thrower will do the trick :cry:

Perhaps not a flamethrower but heating it could be an idea. Maybe a minute or two under a hair dryer would soften the glue enough to pick/peel it off without damaging the plastic of the console ? Or even leave it in the sun on a hot day/ next to a window with only the glue part exposed to the sunlight?

This. As others have posted already, acetone will also melt the plastic, set superglue is quite brittle*, so with a bit of patience with a double edge razor blade or craft knife you should be able to get under it and scrape/chip it off.

*unless it's one of the "gel" types with various additives
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