Totally agree with above. You are chasing a misplaced expectation.
Just because a cpu down clocks, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s less responsive. At a slower clock, it’s not that a cpu switches its logic states physically slower… it’s that it does its switching less often. So a change from 0 to 1 in the logic will happen roughly at the same speed whether it’s at idle or going full pelt.
As soon as an instruction to be processed hits the core, it’ll ramp up the frequency immediately to process it, and once done, it’ll chill out and ramp down again.
Regarding your comment about fans and things. Yes the CPU and motherboard will throttle … they all do and they have to.
Any work done by the CPU needs power to complete. It takes energy to make a logic transistor switch its state. This will always generate heat in some form. As you ramp up the work, you ramp up the amount of logic transistors used, and so the amount energy pushed into the cpu increases and so does the heat.
To drive the logic to switch faster, you push it harder with more voltage.
In a CPU you are always going to reach a point where either you can’t supply enough power to push the logic to go faster, or the voltage and amps will be high enough damage the transistors, or the heat being generated reaches a point that will physically damage the transistors too.
The CPU will internally monitor this and to protect itself, will throttle.
This is why single threaded performance speeds are faster than multithreaded. A single core being worked hard can dissipate its heat into unused cooler cores around it, so can be pushed to work faster. In multi core, all the cores are creating heat so they reach saturation at lower speeds.
To be honest setting the high performance modes on the cpu /gpu is likely only making your stuff run unnecessarily, and pre -building heat unnecessarily.