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Removing Coollaboratory Liquid Pro Metal Thermal Paste

15 Oct 2007
Bedfordshire, UK.
Removing Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra Thermal Paste

*Its actually Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra Thermal Paste, not Liquid Metal Thermal Paste*

Im looking at reapplying some Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra Thermal Paste on my delided i7 4770 CPU Dye. I originally applied it to my delided cpu's dye about 2.5-3 years ago but think i need to clean if off and reapply it again as my temps are creeping up.

Does this stuff come off easily enough with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton bud, also whats the tube life of this stuff as i still have plenty of it left but as i said its about 3 years old.

In regards to using normal thermal past to create a barrier between the actual CPU dye and the row of chips next to the dye, is all thermal paste non-conductive, i think i have some Arctic MX-2, Arctic silver 5. Do these normal thermal pastes have a tube life also once opened?
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I didn't think you could undo an application of liquid metal pro, I thought it permanently bonded to the surfaces. It also shouldn't go off, it's like a solder bridge.
I didn't think you could undo an application of liquid metal pro, I thought it permanently bonded to the surfaces. It also shouldn't go off, it's like a solder bridge.

Ah my mistake i just looked on my Order History and i got the, Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra Thermal Paste, so not the Metal thermal paste stuff. Does this stuff go off at all and does it bond like the metal thermal paste stuff??

Ill change the title
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I had coollaboratory liquid pro on my laptops gpu (bare dye obviously) and it was quite easy to clean it off of that now the heatsink is a different story as it bonds with various metals.
You can get it off but it will leave a stain.
It comes off the die fairly easy, just alcohol and rub with a cloth for a while. To get it off the IHS and CPU block is a bit trickier though, i normally just scrub the underneath of the IHS with the scourer ya get with the paste then sand down the top and the CPU block as its much easier than trying to scrub it off. It tends to leave a small ridge the shape of your die on the underneath of the IHS, make sure you get it all off so its perfectly smooth or your temps will be aweful next time you put it back together.
Ok thats good to hear it will come off the dye easily!

Regard using thermal paste to use as a barrier between the dye and the row of small chips running parallel with the dye, are all standard thermal pastes (Arctic silver or MX-2) non conducting?

And does the Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra Thermal Paste has a tube life at all?
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Use nail varnish m8, it dries into a nice thin layer of insulation. I dunno about tube life but ive been using the same tube for about 3 years and it still seems to be the same consistency to me and works just as well. Saying that ive got some tubes of normal thermal paste ive been using for maybe 15 years and they havent dried up yet. The only one that ever dried up was some arctic adhesive but even that lasted a good 10 years.

Saying that i only use the old paste on stuff that doesnt need much cooling like memory, i save the new stuff for cores :)
Well sadily i got the Coolaboratory Liquid Ultra out and its seemed to have done hard in the syringe :(. Guess ill have to get some new stuff.

Is the Coolaboratory Liquid Ultra still the best to use?
yeah ya just paint it on, colour doesnt matter, just dont want one with bits in like glitter and stuff.

Ya must not have put the lid on properly i guess :(

I dont think any better stuff has been released yet, liquid pro came out first then ultra after then i dont think any newer stuff has come out and theres nothing between them two temp wise according to tests ive read.
Guess it wasnt tight enough then.

Have any of you guys used this stuff on the actual heatsink, apart from it being a paint o clean of does it give an noticeable temp drops over Arctic Silver 5 for example?

Also would it need reapplying more often than normal paste?
I've always used it on the heat sync, not sure if it gives much difference to AS5 though as i've never used AS5 or normal paste since i've used liquid metal :)

One thing ill say though, if you move your PC around a lot, i wouldnt bother putting it on the heat sink. I've found when the PC gets bumped around a bit the cooler tends to jump up onto the hard ridge of paste that forms around the IHS on the heat sink. With normal paste it would just crush it down and still get normal contact, but this stuff goes too hard for that and ya end up getting the cores at one side of the chip getting higher temps where its sat on the hard paste. Then you end up having to sand it all off and start again. Its a bit of a pain but if your not moving your PC around much its not gonna be a problem.

edit: thats a good point z10 linked, it looks like it eats aluminium. I've always had copper bases so ive not seen any of that, just a really strong bond and a stain on the block which gets sanded away before i reapply.
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Stuff it ill stick withe Arctic Silver 5 then, thats stuffs been king for years and dont think anything new's come along thats as easy to use and clean which produces such good results
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