Removing Dust Filter from side panel?

8 Jan 2007
Removing Dust Filter from side panel? added pics

hey all,

i have an atrix case (not sure if anyone has heard of it but anyway). It has a side window consisting of a mesh and inside of that mesh is a sponge filter for dust. it is a window but its crap to be honest because I have a fan in there with lights and also a neon kit which can be seen but all the sponge filter does is effectively tint the case and the light. its such a let down as i really wanted a window so now i am thinking of removing the sponge filter.

the thing is, how much dust would the thing then suck in?

i'll try and get a pic up
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heres the pics. anyone have any thoughts on the dust issue??


If I was you, measure the whole side of your side panel and cut a piece of clear purspex to fit, and attach it to the side of your case, you can use various clips to attach side panel, local DIY store will give you some options, will give you a full windowed view and will look a lot cleaner..... hope this idea helps ;)
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might just do that..

the mesh is removable so it could either fit the panel there or have the whole side as perspex.

the whole side perspex is probably the easiest i think. if not any idea and how to go about windowing it properly?
I think the full windowed effect will be your best option, will really show off your case LED's and Cathodes, if you just want to perspex the windowed portion of your side panel, see if the rivets holding it in place will pop out, if not snap mesh out keeping rivets in place and use double sided tape or a small bit of glue on each corner to insert new window.... :D
brilliant. will definitely consider that. its completely removable the mesh so might just take it down B&Q and get them to cut a perspex sheet exactly to that specification :D :D and bolt it straight on!
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