Removing electric fire

17 Jan 2006
Hi All

Just over a week ago my girlfriend and I moved into our new house, got plenty of projects to be done, one of which is the lounge which at present houses the hideous electric fire shown below...


Unsurprisingly we want to get rid of it! From giving it a good tapping it seems like the whole thing is plastic and basically hollow.

Before we start pulling it about, does anyone have experience of removing something like this, but and any advice on how it is likely to be attached to the wall or how to remove it?

Any help much appreciated!
That gives me a bit of a starting point, i'll have to have a bit of a root around to see what's holding it in place. Hopefully it won't be too bad, just dreading what we might find behind it!
Well, I decided to have a bit of a look at the fire... And ended up ripping the whole thing out!

Was pretty simple as it wasn't really attached anywhere except by about 20years of cobwebs and dirt. Now leaves me free to plan my cinema install!
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