Removing my ram divider..?

4 Sep 2005
Hi all

Currently got my 3700 @ 2.7ghz (250x11). The ram is on the 166 divider? And at this clock it's currently at 190mhz.

What would happen if i were to remove the ram divider? Just out of curiosity... Ram is some kingston value :/

Also i cant go any higher than 2.7 because of the motherboard voltage limit.
The ram would go to 250mhz, unlikely that it will be able to cope with this. Do you have any other dividers 183 for example? Alternatively just keep the divider and tighten up the timings.
Ah i see. :p

As for other dividers, it's only 133, 166, 200. And how would i go about tightening the timings on the ram? :o
benjo said:
Ah i see. :p

As for other dividers, it's only 133, 166, 200. And how would i go about tightening the timings on the ram? :o

Go into the BIOS, lower a value, use memtest86+ test 5 to see if you get errors.

Rinse and repeat until you reach your best setting.

You can also increase Vdimm to gain stability and overclocking headroom.
Minstadave said:
Go into the BIOS, lower a value, use memtest86+ test 5 to see if you get errors.

What values would that be? :(

I take it you have cpu z? Post the memory tab please.

As requested (sorry for quality, on a new install so no photoshop)

benjo said:
What values would that be? :(

As requested (sorry for quality, on a new install so no photoshop)


Those aren't bad timings to be honest, you could try lower CAS to 2, though this may not be stable (if you don't POST you'll have to clear the CMOS). You may get RAS precharcge (tRP) to 2 and tRAS to 5 or 6 but neither of these will give you a huge benefit.

An even easier way to play with timings is to use A64Tweaker, a very useful little application that allows you to change memory timings in windows. If you change something and the system doesn't like it, it will just hang or crash, when you restart your original timings will be loaded from the BIOS.
Well the cas froze at 2, and the tRP and tRAS both froze when i altered them... I guess the timings will be staying at default then :p

Thanks for the help anyway guys :)
benjo said:
Well the cas froze at 2, and the tRP and tRAS both froze when i altered them... I guess the timings will be staying at default then :p

Thanks for the help anyway guys :)

Those aren't bad timings for value RAM, I didn't think you'd get much further. Worth a try though, and you learnt something new :)
benjo said:
Indeed i did :) So if the timinigs were tighter, how much of a performance increase would i have seen? Is it hardly noticeable?

It wouldn't be a huge difference, I wouldn't be considering opening my wallet to buy something better unless I were to go for 2gigs and already had a good graphics card.
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