Removing null values from mysql output

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
How do you go about removing null values from a mysql query into php?

I have a table like this:


How can I get it to display like this in php:


Do I need to use isset() or is_null()? If so, how?

Hope you can help!
Null in the database is intended, I want it to completely delete the value so it doesn't print anything, but prints all over values in different columns.

Sorry I should have said I am a beginner, going to try a bit more now.
Yeh but what I want to avoid in the echo output is this:


Which If I am correct is what your code would produce?

I can't have the blanks or it will mess up when I style the page with css.

The above is the situation I have now, I need to get rid of the blank markup.


I need it to only output this:


When in the database it will be:

Last edited:
           $query =		("SELECT * 
						FROM operators
						JOIN products
						ON operators.idoperators = products.idoperator JOIN sales
						ON products.idProducts = sales.idproducts 
						ORDER BY purchasedate  DESC
                        LIMIT 3");
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());


// Print out the contents of each row into a table 
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$html = <<<EOF
<div class="top3">

<div class="operator">{$row['operator']}</div>

<div class="product">{$row['product']}</div>

<div class="price">{$row['sale1']}</div>

<div class="price">{$row['sale2']}</div>

<div class="price">{$row['sale3']}</div>

<div class="price">{$row['sale4']}</div>

<div class="price">{$row['sale5']}</div>

<div class="price">{$row['purchasedate']}</div>

		echo $html;

The above works atm but it displayed blank html markup, say if sale5 is NULL on a certain row but in others it could be a numeric value, which I need to remove, yes the html is awful, but I need a working script first :p
I still can't get it working, I'll take a look tomorrow with fresh eyes. Thanks everyone for getting this working...

visibleman, after some reading it appears the ? !empty :

Is a fancy way of doing an if statement.

If a value is not emtpy then execute the bit after ? else its false (colon) and output "" which outputs no html markup, therefore it doesn't show anything on my html page.

Is that it in very basic terms?
It's called a ternary operator or ternary if statement; essentially a shortened if statement -
( *condition* ) ? *condition true* : *condition false*

And yup, it'll work as you suggested and won't output that particular line/HTML if the table column field is empty (NULL).

However, is there a particular reason why you're using heredoc syntax for strings rather than the standard quotation in your examples?

No, no reason, it's just how I learnt to do it from googling. I have bought a couple of php books and am slowly going to go through them, IF I can understand variables, strings, operators, functions & classes I think that will cover. I know a lot more now than I did in 2010, but I haven't followed a structure of learning as I am trying to get my first project completed.

I have found a nice beginner guide at
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