Removing posts from forums?

18 Oct 2002
Is it possible, are there any rights to back up a request to remove ALL posts by a user from a forum and then have the username removed??

I have very good reason for wanting this done, and rather than just have my user account disabled i wish for the posts to be deleted from the database as if i was never there!!

(I am the user, and its nothing to do with this forum!)
eh? Have you both missed the vital line - ITS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS FORUM!!!

I'm just wondering if its a legit request and if a forum admin could refuse to do so?
JayMax said:

As in i am the user - on ANOTHER FORUM, not asking about removing someone elses posts, or anything to do with ocuk!

EDIT: Beserker - is it not a simple case of search database by username and nuke all entries?
tenchi-fan said:
Intrigued to know why you want this done...

Removing evidence perhaps?!

Or maybe you're just trying to disappear without a trace?

Or perhaps i'm fed up with continual abuse and victimisation (to both me and my lady) which is carried out in part by the admin team, and feel it better that i remove myself from the forum...but i want my posts removed too as if i was never there.

Thing is they claim "they own my posts", no i dot think so!

EDIT: They run VB like ocuk.
Sequoia said:
I'm intrigued too .... but if Slime wanted to explain (publicly) I'm sure he'd already have done so.

It could be a personal thing, it could be employment-related, it could be all sorts of things. If he doesn't want to explain, I'd guess he has good reason for not wanting to, which is probably closely associated with the reason he wants this done in the first place.

Whatever the reason, if were're losing you, good luck, dude.

Explained above and also note the post above that, its nout to do with ocuk forums...its just a good place to ask!
Hence why i want some backing (legal) as to my right to have them removed (DPA possibly?) - and yes the threats are mostly just abuse altho one member did make threats of violence both on and off forum recently against myself and my family...strange really as i've never met the bloke but he holds a grudge cos of my missus's ex husband :rolleyes:
Alchemy said:

Muppet :rolleyes:
Evil-Penguin said:
If the admins won't cooperate, can't you go back and edit all your posts? Assuming they've given permission to users to do so. Might take a while, but if it's only a small number of posts that are a proble, and you need it done, it may be worth while rather than trying to talk to someone unwilling to cooperate. And do it all at once over night when less users/admins are on so nobody will notice till the next day when it's all gone?

Nope. Edit is disabled after about 2 mins of post being posted.

They also claim the copyright on my photos.....which i KNOW is incorrrect as under UK and EU law i legally own the copyright regardless as the person who took the photos.

I somehow thing that their copyright "claims" are a bit er....hopeful and wild.
Berserker said:
Yeah, they don't own copyright in photos unless they explicitly claim it (which I doubt). However, you may have granted them a perpetual right to publish them on the forum.

No, as a photographer i own the copyright unless i grant it in writing, which i obviously dont and didnt.

I'm not worried about quotes, just posts really.
Mickey_D said:
Slime101, are you hosting the photos or are they kept in the forum database?

If you are hosting them, just rename them on the host.

And if you REALLY wanted to mess with them, substitute REMOVED for your photos with the original names..... :vomitsmiliey:

They dont allow external linking and so ar ein database, however that does not grant them any legal rights to MY photos!!

They also seem to have changed the FAQ - its full of we wont delete this and we wont do that on request so go suck eggs type notices!
tenchi-fan said:
Is it possible posts are automatically deleted after a certain number of weeks, or are they kept forever (and ever)?

If you're sick of the abuse, just stop posting!! Modify your profile to delete any personal info.

I doubt you have any right to have your posts deleted, and the bulletin board most likely has every right to display them as long as they like. I would seriously doubt they own the copyright.

If they dont own the copyright then i must have a right to have them deleted?

I dont have any personal info on there - do you really believe that stops people?
Sequoia said:
Surely ..... edit without "Edited by ..." is disabled after a minutre of two. Edit isn't. You can't deete the posts, but unless the ability to edit is turned off for you, you can edit the content, and that means you can remove it. It wouldn't mean all trace isremoved, and it won't deal with quotes, but you could remove much of any material you wanted removed.

Erm no, edit is disabled after a few mins of the post - no going back at all. Edit is there for about 2 mins then it dissapears and no further editing is possible.

That is generally true, but it isn't an absolute. The photographer usually owns copyright, but there are exceptions .... such as when photos are taken in the course of your employment, where the employer would own copyright. But, generally, you're right.

I am the photographer (in fact i am A photographer (part time)) and the copyright is definatly mine, even with images i've sold the copyright is still mine :)

Oh, and by the way, copyright law has many facets. Don't forget that one of the rights is the creator's right to be identified as the creator, and that right is non-assignable. It is possible waive the right, but not to assign it, and waivers are revocable.

What does this mean in english?
tenchi-fan said:
Maybe so, but by posting although you are not transferring the copyright, you may be giving them permission to display the photos on their website.

I'm not a lawyer of course! But it makes sense.

A right as the owner and copyright holder which i can revoke at any time.
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