Removing preloads from steam

2 Apr 2006
Warwick uni
Searched through forums and found nothing

I preloaded HL episode 1 while on speedy connection (unlike crappy service from ITS but thats another story for another thread...) assuming that it would accept my Maestro card. I then found out it wouldnt and want to know how to safely (ie not remove any other games) remove it.

Anybody else have this problem or is the answer so obvious?
It's ok just deleted the .gcf file and that redeemed the space on my HDD, and removeed it from the steam list

Turns out it was obvious after all :)
Slightly off the subject, but does anyone know how to prevent steam from downloading server content (sounds and stuff) when you join a server to play cs or dod etc?
Delete the Episode 1 content gcf file in your user name folder and the Espisode 1 folder in steam apps.

Delete your client blob file in your main directory and then restart steam.

Should work.
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