Removing USB devices.

30 Jul 2004
East Sussex, United Kingdom

I was wondering, is it wrong to remove a USB device eg: Flash drive, with out going to the safely remove hardware in Windows XP?

I've alays just pull the USB device out once I'm sure there is no data being transmited, then just pull it out. I've been doing this for the past 5 years, and no problems. However speaking my my old man last night, he says that it ca cause it to blow the flash drive as when you pull it out it can ark (short spark between USB port and Flash drive's port) thus poping the Flash drive and it never working again.

Is there any truth in that?
That's what I thought.

I don't remove the USB that fast. So that's the end of that. :)

So just pulling it out is just fine? (Obviously only when I'm not using it)
Same here.

And what about other devices, USB Keyboards and USB Mouses ect?

Again I've always just pulled them out.
Ya, we'll wait for someone else as well. :p

well I definitely don't think there is any problem with just pulling a USB device out. Then again, I started this thread, so I could be wrong... :o

Thanks for the help anyay, Tzang.

Ya, I never pull the Flash Drive out while it's transferring data across, as that's just stupid. :p
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