Renaming a domain server 2003 std

6 Feb 2004
As title really. I have a domian called *****net.local
However i have found out that a Mac needs to go on to it.

My limited knowledge, and my collegue has told me that the domain needs to be called or atleast could be called ***** : getting rid of the local part.

Is this true and if so is it possible with out reloading the server from scratch.

Thanks for any info.

Andyt_uk said:
yeh, unfortunately macs dont like it when the domain contains the name local and i believe people are told on MS courses that its best practise to use that. Anyways, cant remember exactly how we got around it, but I think we did something with the DNS to work around it. I'll see if i can find out some more.

Sounds interenting, Any new info.
That goes for any one else.
thank you there.

if for some unknown reason i cant get that to work, Is there a way to change a windows Domain name?

csmager: hope this will be the end of it :) thank you.
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