Renault - First Service

19 Dec 2005
Manchester, England
Anyone have any idea what a first service would cost from Renault on a 6month old car? And also what would be included in the price?

A friend can do it for me for £145 and if thats cheaper than Renault I think i'll go with them.

Only thing is if my friend does it he wont be able to do the computer that tells you when next service is due :confused:

Help a car newb :)
Service should be about £250 -ish. Check your warranty details, some manufacuters insist that genuine parts are used for the service to keep the warranty valid. But I don't think they can insist that a Renault dealer has to do it.

As for the service indicator, check your manual. As I think this can normally be reset yourself.
Its usually best to get the same place you purchased the car from serviced, then if something breaks no-one else has touched the car so they are the only person responsible, if someone else especially non Renualt start messing with the car how could you prove its the dealer who has to sort a warranty issue out and not the other mechanic who broke it, they will prolly tell you to get on your bike.

First service for my Clio cost 179, prices don't go up too much across the range, well last time i looked at the service board.
Ended up ringing them and they said it usually costs £160 for a cars first service, she also wondered why it needed a service at 12,000 miles as they normally do them at 18,000 or 2yrs age. however then she came back saying mine was a newer car so they are doing them 12months or 12,000 miles - seemed a bit odd really.

Anyway thanks gents I guess it will be better to go to renault and pay the extra £15
When I bought my brand new Megane (on an X plate) it was 12,000 mile intervals.
I cannot remember what the cost of the service was as I'd negotiated the first service into the price of the car when I'd bought it.
As to what you get - first service is very basic.
Look in your handbook - on the 12,000 mile intervals you don't actually get new plugs until 36,000 miles.

I went to look at the new Megane about 18 months ago before I decided to buy my current 307.
I was told then that the new service internals was going to be 18,000 across the range.
They will of course take them in and perform a service whenever you request one.
18,000 miles is manufacturer recommended and required to keep the warranty - nothing to stop you having too many services!
Also if you want new plugs at 12,000 then tell them - as they are working on the car anyway it should only cost you the price of the parts and not really any extra labour.

I always found Renault service to be very polite and did good work - so I'd say it is definitely worth the extra £15.
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