Rental DVD’s Wanting to Install Software on PC

13 May 2003
I went to the video shop on Sunday and took out a few DVD’s to watch on my PC. For context I live in a shared house and can’t always access the TV and DVD player in the living room. So I have my PC, DVD Rom drive and my perfectly legal registered copy of Power DVD (or whatever it’s called). I put in a movie and up pops the window “do you want to install this software”. Well no I don’t I have DVD viewer and I don’t need two and I don’t know what spyware or other crap is incorporated into this software. I press the no button aborting the install and launch Power DVD. I press play and do I get any luck no.

What are my options? I’m guessing this is some copy protection mechanism to stop us evil PC users ripping off Hollywood. I’m not interested in bypassing the copy protection I just want to watch the DVD, is my only choice to wait until the TV is not in the living room?
should play fine w/o the software on the dvd (its not copy protection software, just their own player)

try playing it in Media Player Classic or VLC
If you go to open from file, then go into the DVD, then VIDEO_TS. There should be some files labelled like VTS1_1.VOB.

Try VTS1_1, and that should be the start of the film, and I think Power DVD automatically sorts out the rest of the files.
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