Repair / replace downpipes?

27 Dec 2009
My Yamaha Fazer 600 has developed an exciting new exhaust tone and it appears that the bottom section (under the engine) is rusting through, although the rest of the downpipes and the silencer cans look ok.

I'll try a bit of Gun Gum (or whatever they have in my local auto shop) for a temporary fix, but just wondering about the longer term options and would appreciate some input please.

1) A new set of downpipes seems the obvious solution - where would be the cheapest place to get a set that will fit correctly and not rust in five minutes? A Google search throws up

2) Are there any economically priced, complete after market exhaust systems worth considering? I'm not looking for race cans, however for a previous bike of mine it worked out cheaper to buy a new exhaust system than to just replace bits with original manufacturer parts.

3) Is it worth looking at getting it welded, or is that not going to last long enough to be worth the money?

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