Repairing PC/Apple and laptops for a living?

7 Mar 2010
Is there a realistic opportunity of making a reasonable income from repairing laptops and PCs?

I am thinking of starting a home based business and was wondering what the market is like for a business of this sort.

With PCs and laptops being '2 a penny' these days and that we live in a throw away society, would it be more a case of people just ditching a faulty machine and popping down to Tescos for a new one?

I was originally thinking about concentrating on Apple machines as I reckon people are more likely to repair a mac than a PC. But with approved Apple technician courses costing nearly £5k it would be an awful lot of money to invest if there was not an income to be made out of it or if the market is flooded with similar businesses already.

Any thoughts or opinions? :)

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