Repetitive strain injury and keyboards

23 Dec 2005
Does anyone else have pain in there fingers? I continue to use a computer all the time, but my fingers are absolutely knackered. Had some tests like 18 months ago for arthritis but they came back negative. I used the computer a lot when i was 14-18, and still a lot now (im 22)... but there getting progressively worse. *SYMPATHY SEARCH NOW OVER*

so forget about that, im just about willing to spend whatever it takes (not that keyboards are usually expensive) to get a keyboard with the lightest key press possible to reduce stress. There was once talk of laser keyboards that project the image of a keyboard onto the desk, and there still there in google now, but they all really old articles. Do they still exist? do they work?

Currently use a logitech dinovo media whatever with the separate keypad thingy... its just not light enough tho. And lets face it, voice recognition doesnt work... u say "hello" it spells "XYLOPHONE".

any suggestions :P
i will give it a go. I dont find wrists are too much of a problem tho, its fingers... ive got long fingers (as long as Uma Thurman's)... i think thats where most of the problem lies
I know what you mean.

My fingers feel a little stiff most of the time and each of the joints crack (even the little ones at the end...I'm 24)

Try increasing the amount of oily fish in your diet (or even taking Cod Liver Oil), it's supposed to be very good for lubricating joints.
Get yourself a powerball - you'd be surprised at how much better your wrists and fingers feel after using one.

Also look at strenghtening excercises for your hands (eg learn to do body massages, builds strength and has other bonuses ;) ;))
My left wrist aches from time to time, the joint, It doesnt happen for a few weeks and then suddenly it comes back again and hurts like hell.

About the powerballs, do they really work? Or are they just a toy? :P
Reread what I said. :)

I do own one for the sole purpose of it making my wrists (in particular) feel better.

Can't get much clearer than that :D
i think i had rsi for about 4 weeks, loss of sensation in both hands, major loss of grip, and every day i woke up i had pins and needles in both my arms, as if i had been laying on them, which i hadnt, stopped playing wow, and then about 3 days later my arms where fine again :p
I've not tried for anything fast with the powerball, just a nice slow pace and do that for an extended period of time seems to work the best.
I'm sure I saw the mentioned laser projection keyboard on one of those big boys gadget stores a few days back.
Iirc it was about 100quid.
Sorry even if I could remember the store I don't think I want to risk a link incase it's deemed a competitor.
But it does exist, I think it's bluetooth.
Thing with RSI is that small repeated movements is what causes it, so larger efforts made with the fingers/hands encompassing more movement is what helps to build strength and not wear out the bits in question as much.

But this does is going close to being a medical thread which is a no-no on here (least it was last time I checked).

Get a big keyboard, with duplo sized keys, that'll sort you out ;)
Humate said:
There was once talk of laser keyboards that project the image of a keyboard onto the desk, and there still there in google now, but they all really old articles. Do they still exist? do they work?any suggestions :P

Nope! They are very inaccurate, and awkward devices, i had a go at one a while back, and it was typo's galore! (more3 thwn usualll :rolleyes: )
I have me own lil theory on RSI as I've had pains in the wrists etc.

Basically what I do is I switch my mouse and keyboard to ones completely different about every 8 months or so.

So before I had a M$ Natural Keyboard and a Logitech MX1000 Lazer mouse.

Now I have a Razer diamondback and are waiting on the new keyboards from Razer too.

Atm i'm in the middle of getting a new system up and running so my main thing now is a lil laptop (comletely different posisition again)

But the Natural to straight layout and the logitech to the flat Razer are totally different grips and positions.

RSI after all is about repeating movements so I don't stick to the same movements for ever and a day and since I've started doing this I've had a lot less problems. :)

I aint saying it's gospel, but it seems to work for me.
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yeh, might try changing keyboards and mice. This dinovo sorted me out for a while, but since i started writing a 15,000 word essay my fingers feel like there about to drop off... i dont play games hardly ever nowadays... if i make it to the end of the game i feel like it may actually be to the detriment of doing my flies up when im 80... or maybe I just wont care by then.
Humate said:
yeh, might try changing keyboards and mice. This dinovo sorted me out for a while, but since i started writing a 15,000 word essay my fingers feel like there about to drop off... i dont play games hardly ever nowadays... if i make it to the end of the game i feel like it may actually be to the detriment of doing my flies up when im 80... or maybe I just wont care by then.

the idea is to have someone to do it for you by then ;)
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