Replace BenQ PT3210U workstation monitor

8 Apr 2008
I've been running 2 of these BenQ screen for nearly 10 years now -- they've been great really. I had one power supply failure (parts were available in europe and duly changed for about 30 quid) Other than that, ONE of the screen (not the other!) now has 'wavy' background; I suspect very fine dust ingress that desposited itself on the inside of the diffuser. That same screen now has lost it's on/off button which no longer tuns the screen 'off'...

Given that I've had a good life out of them, I'm pondering replacing them with something at least as good... I don't care for gaming, mostly writing code/design/cad etc.
Extra plus for a quality/stable mounts, and an easy switch between input *without touching the frame of the screen) (the PT3210 has an external 'puck' control to do that)...

Given I run them side-by-side, thin bezel is prefered.

*Ideally* £500-600 -- since I'm going to replace both of them it pushes the budget quite a bit! I looked at overclockers stock but they seem to only sell gaming stuff so...
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