Replace my 350D with...

1 Sep 2007
Well that is the question as the 350D just does not cut it any more.

650D, 60D or 7D....I am leaning towards the 60D, but what say you the people of Overclockers? The price difference does not bother me as if I go for the more expensive one I will just wait another month.

Opinions people?

I went from a 350D to a 550D a couple of years ago. A jump from a 6mp sensor to an 18mp one, and the first thing I did was take comparision shots with a tripod.

I was amazed and disappointed that the images were practically identical at the same sizes between both cameras. In fact, in one shot the 550D image was slightly less revealing at a pixel level.

That is disappointing to hear!

What about the 350D isn't cutting it for you any more? It might be worth looking at a second hand body instead like a 5D, or nowadays even the 5D2 is creeping into affordability in this sort of price bracket, I've seen them going as low as £850. If you don't need the AF of a 7D, and don't mind swapping out a couple of lenses (presuming you have an 18-55 with your 350d which won't work on a full frame camera like the 5D), the 5D makes an awesome step up from pretty much any mid range crop DSLR let alone a really old low end one like the 350d :)

I find it is quite slow and the auto focus on it isnt all that great, I used a friends 550d and found it was much smoother, felt better to hold and take pictures with quickly.

A 5D would be a dream, might be worth saving for a Mark 2 :)
Thanks for the insight guys!

I do have one other question about lenses, as said by someone above I do have the naff kit lens, I also have the nifty 50 and the 70-200mm f/4.0 L USM, looking to replace the kit lens with something that will give me the same sort of images as the 50/70-200 without hammering my wallet into the thousands! Any ideas?
What is it in the 5d2 that you'd want? I've made awesome prints up to 30*20 from my 5Dc, the focus system is exactly the same on both, sensor performance (outside of resolution) is pretty much the same short of about a 0.5 stop advantage on ISO and the bodies themselves are nigh on identical in design. The main updates were video, higher resolution and a better screen, but compared to a 350d both will be incredible upgrades.

I would be worried about the amount of photos taken on the 5dmki, for the life of me can not think of the correct terminology!
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