Replacement AM4 socket cover?

16 Sep 2019
Anyone know where I can get a replacement AM4 socket cover? I got some thermal goop in mine and broke it into three bits when trying to remove it to clean.

I don't need the entire socket, just the bit that clips and slips on top.

I looked on Ebay and I don't want to give £10 to someone in Shenzen and have to wait until the end of October for it to get to me - if at all!
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This is not something I've ever purchased before, but I had a quick search online and could only find similar sellers to what you've found. These may actually be your best option, since you'll get buyer's protection anyway.

Another option would be to look for faulty motherboards that people are selling for parts. Maybe you could pick up a dirt cheap broken A320 motherboard that someone is looking to get rid of and just make sure the socket is intact.
Yeah, I thought of that too... the cheapest I could find on Fleabay was a couple at £25 each, but they both looked like they had goop caked on them too! I might just risk the Shenzhen ones, and hope they get here in a decent time... probably order a couple or 3, because I’m such a clumsy muppet.
Yeah, I thought of that too... the cheapest I could find on Fleabay was a couple at £25 each, but they both looked like they had goop caked on them too! I might just risk the Shenzhen ones, and hope they get here in a decent time... probably order a couple or 3, because I’m such a clumsy muppet.
Best of luck!
Might be worth ordering a few from Shenzen and reselling them at a mark-up. £10 vs £25 looks like a decent opportunity. You'll have fleabay protection and I've never had any issue with sellers from china on the half dozen or so times I've used one.
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