Replacement for Intellimouse Explorer 4.0

19 Jan 2011
I need a replacement for my venerable Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 4.0.

I like it because:
  • It's large (like my hand)
  • It isn't completely covered in buttons

I've been using it for both work and gaming. I'm not ultra competitive, so I'm not so fussed with very high dpi, weights etc. My budget is ~£40.

Any suggestions?
Intellimouse Explorer 3.0

Best. Mouse. Evar.

I had an 4.0 first, then changed to a 3.0 when that died and never looked back.
Intellimouse Explorer 3.0

Best. Mouse. Evar.

+1 if you can actually source one!

I looked high & low for a replacement 3.0 when my original one died.

I couldn't find one in the end so went with a Zowie EC1 Evo which is pretty much exactly the same shape.

Haven't looked back since!
I like the 3.0, but it's just not as comfortable as the 4.0.

My inner-child wants me to get a transformer-like mouse (corsair/mad catz), but as it's for work mainly I think I'll have to tone it down a little.

I'm going to head over to a well known PC retailer this evening to see if I can get a feel for some options.
So trip to well-known pc retailer yielded no results - they had a much smaller range of stock than their website seemed to claim they should, though fair play to them for having demo units of all of them on display.

All I really learnt was the Razor Taipan doesn't fit my hand very well and the Logitech MX felt OK but was more slippery than a wet fish.
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