Replacement for WDTV?

22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
Hi guys, I currently use a WDTV live for all my 1080p MKV, I just run it with a 2tb drive directly attached.

Hdmi goes out to a av reciver for 5.1. All controlled from my harmony remote.

Now this has been fine for a couple years, but it's starting to crash and reset etc etc.

So would like a replacement, what are these new media players like? The fire TV or the Roku3. Are they worth a look? or should I just buy a replacement WDTV?

Another vote for a Raspberry Pi 2 running OpenElec (Kodi) here - I went from a WDTV Live and I've never looked back!
How much set up work does a pi require?

It takes about 30 mins to get it up and running with Openelec, then as long as you want setting it up how you like it.

I'd never recommended a RPi 1, as they were too slow in my book. However I'm running an RPi2 as my bedroom media player now and it's much improved.

Shopping list:

Raspberry Pi2 + Case ~£30
MicroSD ~£5
2A MicroUSB charger ~£5
USB Wifi Dongle (optional) ~£5

I'd personally recommend a Compro K300 remote + dongle too, it's plug and play with Openelec and the buttons can be configured within Kodi using an addon - no xml modding needed. I have one working find with my Harmony remote - although that does take a little more setting up.

Now, having said all that - I personally wouldn't consider one for my main media device. I'd want something with a little more grunt and flexibility - but thats a personal preference.
Biggest problem I'm seeing is getting it working seamless with my harmony IR remote. At the moment I just press "watch movie" and everything just works. Is it that simple with the pi?

The tech part of me likes the idea I could run a emulator etc on my TV.. But then it seems overly complicated for my actual needs.

Takes a bit more to setup (any Kodi setup will), but does work fine once you're there.

Basically, you tell Kodi that the remote will send keyboard keystrokes, and then program the Harmony to send the right key. Out of the box, most will work as you want.

For instance, the 'Info' button on my Harmony is setup to send the i keystroke - which is the Kodi shortcut for the info screen.

If you've never used Kodi before, just install it onto your computer or phone/tablet and have a play.
Yeah I've never really used Kodi (or xmbc) before, Have used Plex though.

As long as I can connect a HDD directly and get movie posters etc up I'm happy.
Yeah I've never really used Kodi (or xmbc) before, Have used Plex though.

As long as I can connect a HDD directly and get movie posters etc up I'm happy.

Kodi is really easy - download OpenElec and it installs as the actual OS so you turn it on and it boots straight into the menu system!

Remote-wise I use a CEC adapter and the Sony remote which works a treat but in practice all you need is a smartphone with the Yatse app - it will even boot up from off (rather than leaving it in hibernate) if you have it set to wake on LAN!
Does the RP2 struggle with bigger MKV like the 20 gig files with DTS-HD iuf so does the plex add on work better with bigger files?

I don't own a Pi 2 but having tried the original Pi I can tell you that it handled the actual playback flawlessly - the issue I had with the first Pi was the UI was painfully slow to navigate!

Obviously this should be sorted with the faster speed of the Pi 2 and besides, if you are going to use a smartphone app like Yatse then the actual UI doesn't really have to be used that much anyway!

Not sure about the various different audio out there tho!
Everything i have read about has issues and the only way to get by them is with an HTPC NUC the fire tv looks great and gets great reviews but has trouble with audio and does not do 23fps same with a lot of the android boxes. Why don't they just bring something out that can handle everything issue free
The WDLIVE TV is a great box even tho its to dam slow it plays everything you throw at it issue free without having to do much work around it plays 1080p mkv in 23fps in the options and audio is issue free if everything looked decent like plex on the WD then id stick with that but the slowness and few other things let it down but as a media player nothing can beat it for what you throw at it
Have placed my order for a pi 2 and all the extra bits I want, have also got a retro USB controller, as I think I will try a little retro emulation with it also.

Thanks guys.
quick question as im looking to replace too, does the Pi2 and software change the refresh rate of tv to match the movie like the wdtv?
I am thinking of buying a pi 2 also just sitting here trying decide on pi 2 or a android box that plays kodi.
ZG002 how have you found the device and can anyone tell me why to get the pi2 over a android box
It takes more setting up than I'd anticipated. Getting Kodi up and running is easy, but I've not played with it. I will be honest I started making myself a retro gaming device and it took up all my time!

If you just want a box for movies then I'd possibly look else where myself... But if you like the idea of being able to use it for anything then it's a great little thing!
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