Replacement for WHS 2011

13 Jan 2010
Rebuilding home network and basically haven't touched anything for years. (and hasn't been used for 2 years) So I'm way out of date on solutions.
I asked is as a media box question but forgot all the other important stuff

Original setup
Windows 7 clients (now win 10)
WHS 2011 server

Automatic client image backups to server (client or server triggered)
Server that software applications can run, one drive, R etc
Media share that other machines can stream from
WOL ideally (or at least scheduled up time)

My old box with whs did all this. It was a right pain to set up but once working it was great

I have no idea what can do all that now.
Really I'd keep whs on it if it wasn't end of life.
It's not EoL, it's end of support, and all that means is no more patches. If it's protected sufficiently, and it works for you, then you have an option to keep it.

Phyiscal RAID, unless datacentered, can now be managed and acheived much for succinctly with Drive Pools. Docker/containerisation probably isn't going to do anything for you with your requirements.

Ah I got the gist it was end of life not end of support.

Yeah it works as is great. But no security updates is a concern obviously
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