Replacement for WHS v1

23 Mar 2005
I think the time has finally come when I admit defeat and replace my trusty WHS v1 box. I am constantly getting the file issues (that cause it to claim that there is an issue with the OS drive) and I need to increase the size of the pool.

So... The logical choice is WHS 2011 with something like Stablebit drivepool - although I'm not overly keen on relying on 3rd party add on software for such a crucial role.

I believe that Windows 8 has the ability to drive pool built in - and as I don't actually use the WHS box to backup my other machines that may be a neat solution.

Effectively, I need a place to store media, documents and photos (yes I have other arrangements for the really important stuff in the event of digital Armageddon!) and be able to stream it around the house. Ideally I want a system that sleeps most of the time and only wakes when needed (ideally with native support for wake on lan)

Best option?
NAS4FREE works for me, very straight forward to use and web based management.

You could use Linux (I use CentOS) and install VMWare Player. Then run virtual a appliances from if you want some specific function. If you want a domain controller then this virtual appliance looks good

You could go the ESX root but I don't think it has many power saving features?
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Don't worry about a "third party" app like DrivePool - it's better than the inbuilt DriveExtender in WHSv1!

WHS2011 + DrivePool would be a perfect upgrade from your WHSv1 box - I did an identical upgrade myself. You keep the flexibility & familiarity of running Windows, you retain the free, automated client PC backups, and you get easily expandable storage you're used to, but even more flexible.
The one thing that 2011 has that 8 doesn't is automated backups. As you wouldn't want to be using Storage Spaces anyway (it's just simply not as good as DrivePool, and too many reports of issues for my liking) then the file history/backup things they mention just aren't as good as the backup built into 2011.

With 2011's backup, you can pick a restore point to restore to, and you get it EXACTLY as it was at that point - they're suggesting to use the Windows 8 refresh/repair and then manually reinstall applications... this is simply then restoring files, rather than restoring system state...

If the backup part isn't as important to you as it is to me, then there's no reason why Windows 8 as a base for your server won't do the job just as well.
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