Replacing a stylus

20 Mar 2004
I've noticed recently that my records are sounded slightly "dull" and "muffled"
I've read that it could be the stylus. I use my player almost daily and I've had it for about 2.5 years.

My setup is pretty budget, I have a AT-LP60 but I'm not sure what kind of stylus I need.
2.5 years x 365 days @ 1hr per day gives a shade over 900 hours use. The anticipated stylus life is around the 2000 hr mark, so at a couple of hours per day average you're about ready for a replacement. Your user manual will give you full instructions on replacing the stylus. Do I need to tell you to look online if you can't find the original that the player shipped with?

The stylus is a ATN3600L. Again, this info is in manual.

It's worth pointing out here that styli do benefit from regular cleaning during their life. This is more though than simply removing a visible wad of fluff. There's dirt at microscopic level too. Given the forces involved, the dirt gets almost fused to the stylus tip, so it takes some force to remove it. A simple brush isn't sufficient. Linn Green Stylus Paper is an abrasive sheet designed for cleaning the diamond tip of styli.

That sounds a bit scary using the word abrasive, but this stuff has been made to be used on stylus tips from cartridges costing £ hundreds or more. It's good stuff and will last you decades. Your new £15 AT stylus will be fine with it, and yes, the tip is diamond rather than sapphire, so it's suitable and safe to use.
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