7 Jul 2004
N.W. England
I've bought some new gear and had to do a re-install of xp home and it keeps saying it's missing all sorts of files when it loads and then I'm having all sorts of problems with it. I think the cd has had it. can you get a replacement from microsoft or will I have to buy a new xp disk ?
I've had the very same problem before, and it wasnt the CD that has problems either (not saying that this is 100% the case with you) but certinally I wouldnt be getting a new CD just yet.
As the above poster suggests, it might be a problem with the HDD or Memory.
Try re-formatting the drive and starting again as the first thing to do.

And as to your actual question, i dont see why you wouldnt be able to get a new CD from MS, perhaps for a £10 admin charge or whatever. You own a license to use it, so i would hope that they wouldnt charge you much more than the cost of a CD and delivery assuming you can prove that you have the original.
Hope it wont come to that anyway :)
Does it always error on the same file or random files? If the same files all the time then prob CD else like some have already said check the RAM.

Can you see any scratches on the CD?
Pyrosoft said:
I've had the very same problem before, and it wasnt the CD that has problems either (not saying that this is 100% the case with you) but certinally I wouldnt be getting a new CD just yet.
As the above poster suggests, it might be a problem with the HDD or Memory.
Try re-formatting the drive and starting again as the first thing to do.

And as to your actual question, i dont see why you wouldnt be able to get a new CD from MS, perhaps for a £10 admin charge or whatever. You own a license to use it, so i would hope that they wouldnt charge you much more than the cost of a CD and delivery assuming you can prove that you have the original.
Hope it wont come to that anyway :)

the media cost about £17+ Vat at last time i ordered a few.
If it is the CD, remember that you can get one from pretty much anywhere as long as it will accept your Product Code. It doesn't matter if its copied from a friend, and is perfectly legal.

You don't need to get an original version from MS.

burnsy2023 said:
You don't need to get an original version from MS.

Could you provide some evidence that backs that up? It seems to be a very popular story around here and I'm very doubtful that it's true.
as long as you actually have a legit key it doesn't matter..

afaik isnt there something like you can copy a cd just for backup for cases like this>?
Indeed you pay for the license not the software.

As mentioned above its rare that windows installs successfully if it cannot find every file during the execution of the setup program so it could well be a memory problem.

If you have some spare or have more than two modules installed use only one, you say that youve just upgraded the hardware, what did you upgrade? is it compatible?

These are questions you need to ask yourself.
spirit said:
as long as you actually have a legit key it doesn't matter..

afaik isnt there something like you can copy a cd just for backup for cases like this>?

I'm still awaiting "evidence" on this one :p

I was led to believe that it's not generally legal to copy a CD for backup, since it's generally accepted that a backup of a pressed CD isn't routinely required. Again, I'm working from my own knowledge rather than any evidence here, but I imagine the people saying "yes you can copy a CD" are doing much the same. Anyone actually got any legal knowledge of the issue?
PinkPig said:
I'm still awaiting "evidence" on this one :p

I was led to believe that it's not generally legal to copy a CD for backup, since it's generally accepted that a backup of a pressed CD isn't routinely required. Again, I'm working from my own knowledge rather than any evidence here, but I imagine the people saying "yes you can copy a CD" are doing much the same. Anyone actually got any legal knowledge of the issue?

ms dont care what cd you are using, only that you've bought a legit license to be using the software... :D
aye just download XP from bit torrent and use your legit product key :) perfectly legal

one of my machine restore CD got damaged so i downloaded winXP (OEM) from isohunt and used product key from license sticker on the machine, never had any problem with WGA/activation/updates etc.
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I've tried formating and re-installing a few times now. Most of the time it's the same file can't remember what it was now. Memory sounds possible as it also randomly shuts down, at the moment it won't log me in on my profile as it says it's corrupt and so logs me in temporarily and then when I shut down all my settings etc are lost. Guess I better try mem test first. I've never tried it is it easy to do ?
I'm a technician at the local school and have to install software for a living . I've just recently upgraded 39 Windows 98 PC's to XP Pro and have come across these errors all the time . Most of the time it's been the actual CD drive . I've just taken the case apart and removed the IDE & power cable and fitted a new drive for the installation and it's been OK after that . Try another drive first .
I've just tried a repair and it said:
Cannot copy file migregdb.ex, icwconn1.ex, phone.ic then filelist.xm.
It then froze whilst starting windows so I turned the power off and on it booted to the usual temporary profile and brought up notepad with:
Any ideas ?
I had a similar problem
It was always saying different files

Swapped about my memory modules leaving some out and it eventually installed using the orginal CD.

As long as there is memory installed it will work even if it is 32 Meg
PinkPig said:
I'm still awaiting "evidence" on this one :p

I was led to believe that it's not generally legal to copy a CD for backup, since it's generally accepted that a backup of a pressed CD isn't routinely required. Again, I'm working from my own knowledge rather than any evidence here, but I imagine the people saying "yes you can copy a CD" are doing much the same. Anyone actually got any legal knowledge of the issue?

Number one. you are allowed to make a backup copy of any software you have a license to. said:
Am I allowed to make back-ups of my computer software?

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998 specifically allows the making of back-up copies of software, but usually only one copy providing it is for lawful use. If there is any doubt over what constitutes a back-up, check your software licence agreement or the software publisher.

2. I will find you a credible source for the Windows distribution when I find one, but it's been well known to me for a while and I read it from a document from MS at one point.

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