Replacing DSLR (Canon 400D) - Misinformation in last thread!

4 Mar 2003
To everyone who answered by thread a little while ago - I was wrong on which camera my wife had, so let me just start again.

So, my wife had a Canon 400D camera - We've had it about 10 years.
She loves the DSLR as a platform and although she hasn't "gone silly" with lenses, We have the 18-55, the 50mm and a longer reach lens (not Canon brand, but obviously canon fit).
The camera has taken a tumble and alas it's looking like a write off - unfortunately she has managed to drop things well and it looks like the 18-55 lens has also taken some punishment, so will probably look to replace body and lens.

I can see that I paid £400 for it back in 2007 and that is the kind of budget I'd like to stick to again.
We are not necessarily invested in Canon. By going for a different brand (with a 18-55 lens) then we'd be two lenses down which we can look to replace - it's not as if I'd lose £1000's by swapping brand.
She is very much an amateur and if one camera has "professional features" another doesn't that wouldn't necessarily swing the choice.

Any advice on a replacement would be appreciated.
Thanks again.
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